Outdoor Photography Magazine

Take your mountain photography to new heights

Ever wondered how mountain photographers achieve the spectacular results they do? James Grant shares his expertise, from using 3D apps to research locations to choosing the best walking routes and compositions.

Mountain photography is my happy place. There are numerous challenges to contend with and many disappointments, but when everything comes together, I get a genuine adrenaline rush. It is a subject that requires serious physical effort and is therefore more of a niche, and as such you are likely to be able to produce original works, which in itself is rewarding. In the spring and summer months, mountain photography becomes much easier, with better weather windows allowing you to maximise your chances of producing more images. The nights are also much shorter, so if you’re willing to camp, you are likely to have a better experience – and you can even be back down in time for breakfast in a café.

Read more to help you choose the best walking routes and compositions in issue 304 of OP.

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